UX/UI Designer
UX Researcher
Adobe Illustrator
Google Forms
Catalyst 2024 Designathon | 2 Day Sprint
Ruby Chen
Hyunseok Song
Tiffany Hoang
The project Via was made as a submission to BU Forge’s 2024 Catalyst Designathon, which was my first-ever designathon. It won first place in the ‘accessibility’ track. I worked as a UX designer and researcher along with my other two teammates (Hyunseok Song and Tiffany Hoang) where we were tasked to create an app that helped improve accessibility to any real-world issue.
In 2019, the US Census Bureau revealed that nearly 30 million adults in the US have difficulty walking or or face mobility challenges. Navigation in urban areas, specifically, can be much more challenging as many existing navigation tools don’t account for unexpected emergencies, road conditions, landmark accessibility, and much more. Accessible travel should be a priority as we should strive to make our society as inclusive as possible.
Given how common the issue of accessibility is, Via was made to cater to those who require assistance walking, use wheelchairs, or those who simply want to avoid obstacles in their daily route. The app includes features such as rating the accessibility of routes, locations, transportation areas, and even provide live updates and reporting of danger while traveling.
Since we were on a time crunch, My team did a quick 10-minute low fidelity sketching session based off the user flow chart we had initially creator to delegate what pages and features we were sure we wanted in the app. We created our iterations of each page along with any additional features/pages we thought would be beneficial. After coming back together, we reviewed everyone’s work and decided on which frames and features to move forward with based on what was marked during review.